
How Paper Frenzy Helps You Win At Relationships!

We’re all in relationship — from romantic partnerships to friendships — we’re all in the trenches. On a daily basis we all experience the nonlinear aspects of relationships such as heartbreak and let down, to unadulterated joy and peace, and we likely could all be better at navigating our relationships. So, what could you be better at?

At Paper Frenzy, we make thoughtful communication a little bit easier by providing you with pretty stationary and elegant thank you cards to express to those you’re in relationship with, how important they are. Join us in today’s post as we explore the five love languages and how they can help you win at relationships.

What is a love language?

The concept of “love languages” was developed by a marriage therapist looking to better equip those in relationships — everyone — in navigating them with more love and maturity. It was found that the way we love is unique and individual, so the way you want to be loved may not be the way your partner shows love, and the five love languages seeks to bridge this gap.

The five love languages include:

Receiving gifts - This doesn’t have to be materialistic or spending a lot of money on someone, but rather it’s thinking of them and what they would appreciate and buying it for them. This could be the new green juice that just came out or a movie you know they enjoy.

Words of affirmation - This is speaking affirmations and telling them “you are so amazing” or “I love you.”

Acts of service - For many, actions speak louder than words. So instead of someone telling you they love you, it’s shown through doing the dishes or making dinner.

Quality time - In a busy world, quality time and spending time with someone you love speaks volumes. This could be going out and you both turning your phones off and enjoying just each other with no disruptions.

Physical touch - This love language isn’t sexual in nature, but it’s hugging and holding hands. A good make out sesh never hurts either!

How Paper Frenzy Can Help

If you’re looking to better communicate and show the ones you’re in relationship with how much you care, Paper Frenzy can help. With the five love languages in mind, we can help address all but physical touch!

If receiving gifts is your partner's love language, you could do a couple of things.

  • Buy a stationary or thank you card set that you know they’ll enjoy.
  • Write a letter, love note, or words of gratitude and gifting them with this.
  • If words of affirmation is their clear love language, a simple thank you card will bear your love and make them feel seen and cared for.
  • With acts of service, you could leave a card and say you’ll be out for the night carpooling the kids around or picking up dinner.
  • For quality time as a love language, you could send the one you love an invitation with a date and time for an outing that the two of you can enjoy together. Include an RSVP card for an extra thoughtful touch. 

Relationships can be difficult and confusing as much as a source of happiness and contentment, and being able to communicate what you need makes navigating it all the more uncomplicated.

Browse Paper Frenzy today to communicate to your loved one in the way they desire to be loved, with our beautiful paper stationary!